Wednesday December 10: OSB Daily Technical Analysis – Currency pairs 

AUDUSDDaily osb chart dec10

OSB Daily Technical Analysis for December 10, 2014

eurusd table dec10

EURUSD broke sharply higher the early session managing an intraday high in the 1.2450 area. Pair needs to close above 1.24 handle with conviction to sustain up move. Resistance above at 1.2480. A pullback finds support at 1.2360-80 band. Further down support is at 1.2290-1.2300 area.

EURUSDDaily osb chart dec10

gbpusd table dec10
GBPUSD rallied towards the 20 DMA which proved resistive just above the 1.57 handle. Pair remains within the recent range of 15570-1.5770. A break above 1.5715 extends to the top of this range. Upside momentum build-up required for further push higher. On the downside a break of 1.5540 support to restarts new down leg with bears taking control again.

GBPUSDDaily osb chart dec10
usdjpy table dec10
Steep decline for the USDJPY with a break lower to 117.95 area which proved supportive for now. Sell off suggests USDJPY overbought for now with possible further decline and consolidation or recent gains. Major bullish uptrend remains intact as pair remains 118.00.



usdcad table dec10
Volatile session for USDCAD which made a decisive run for the 1.15 handle making a new intraday high. Volatility and pullback suggest the pair is likely to consolidate at this level as it prepares for higher ground. Support beneath at 1.1410-35.

USDCADDaily osb chart dec10

usdchf table dec10
USDCHF sell off as weakening US$ slams currency pair into 0.9650 support. Sell off likely somewhat overdone in the USDCHF with somewhat of a bounce to be expected.

USDCHFDaily osb chart dec10
audusd table dec10
AUDUSD rallied following a cue from Gold but failed to hold on to gains and swung to the downside ending the day on balance without any change. Pair remains on full bearish mode and any up swings likely to be short-lived and good entry points for bearish traders.

AUDUSDDaily osb chart dec10




The daily technical report is our new offering that will be available on our site mid-morning from Monday to Friday. Our objective is to offer a high level overview of the general market direction of the G6 currency pairs and some of the major indices and most liquid and highly trader commodities.

We are currently working to develop proprietary tools to add to our daily reports and will be rolling those out in due course. The analyst preparing our charts, a long time student of the market, offers his general guidelines about the markets and trading to bear in mind while reviewing the charts.

1. Day trading is for tremendously gifted traders, for the rest of us it’s a loser’s game.

2. Understanding and managing emotions: greed, fear, hope and despair is imperative.

3. Get a trading plan and stick to it – clear, simple rules are more effective than complex ones.

4. Most chart patterns, particularly those of shorter time frames will never fail to disappoint.

5. Your goal as a trader is to execute your plan and manage risk.

6. There will be losing trades and periods. Accept it.

7. Be ruthless with losing trades. Successful traders are patient winners not patient losers.

8. Making money over long periods of time is more important than being right or catching a ten bagger.

9. You will fail to stick to your plan. The sooner you do the quicker you can move on and correct your mistakes.

10. Successful trading and money management is not about intelligence. It is about Patience, persistence and discipline.

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