Alasdair Macleod


America is on a slippery slope

It hadn’t happened before, at least not since US presidents started visiting foreign countries after the Second World War. In early September, when President Obama landed at Hangzhoi for ... Read More

The root cause of monetary confusion

Arguments about sound and unsound money often degenerate into a them-and-us dispute, with the supporters of unsound money casting sound money proponents as impractical out-of-date libertarian weirdos. Supporting one ... Read More
European Commission

Why the EU is doomed

We are accustomed to looking at Europe’s woes in a purely financial context. This is a mistake, because it misses the real reasons why the EU will fail and ... Read More

The impoverishment of the masses

Feudal and mercantilist economic systems were characterised by the lower orders of ordinary people being enslaved by, or subjected to, the commands of an elite. Beyond basic subsistence, serfs ... Read More

Why Say’s law is always true

One of my regular readers has raised the important subject of Say’s law, the denial of which both Keynesian and modern monetarists are emphatic. They need this fundamental axiom ... Read More

Saving the system

Monetary policy, we are told, is all about staving off recession and stimulating economic growth. However, not only is monetary debasement in any form counterproductive and destroys the personal ... Read More

Brexit post-mortem

It is a month after Britain’s surprise vote to leave the EU. A new Conservative Prime Minister and Chancellor are in place, both David Cameron and George Osborne having ... Read More
gold and silver image

The real message from asset inflation

The earliest signs are developing of hyperinflation, more correctly described as a collapse of the purchasing power of all the major government currencies. Central bankers are almost certainly unaware ... Read More

Brexit is getting the blame

Brexit is not the most important problem facing markets, it is mounting problems in the European banks. But before looking at that systemic issue, I will summarise the Brexit ... Read More

The pensions mess: can gold help?

The British have recently seen two unpleasant examples of the cost of pension fund deficits. A deficit at British Steel, estimated to be about £485m, was followed by a ... Read More
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