Market Analysis


Global IPO outlook remains robust after promising Q1 2018 results

Despite geopolitical uncertainties and market volatility, global IPO activity in the first three months of 2018 posted strong results to start the year. Global IPO markets raised US$42.8b in ... Read More
U.S. dollar notes are seen in this picture illustration

Why A Dollar Collapse Is Inevitable

  “Naturally, the smooth termination of the gold-exchange standard, the restoration of the gold standard, and supplemental and interim measures that might be called for, in particular with a ... Read More
Employee welds the exterior of a vehicle along a production line at a factory in Qingdao

Hourly labour costs ranged from €4.9 to €42.5 across the EU Member States in 2017

In 2017, average hourly labour costs in the whole economy (excluding agriculture and public administration) were estimated to be €26.8 in the European Union (EU) and €30.3 in the ... Read More

The yuan-oil future and gold

  “There can be little doubt that the introduction of the yuan-denominated oil future has been a major strategic step for China.” Regular readers of Goldmoney’s research will be ... Read More

These are the Countries that EU trades with the most

In 2017, the United States (€631 billion, or 16.9% of total EU trade in goods) and China (€573 bn, or 15.3%) continued to be the two main goods trading ... Read More

The egregious errors of static statistics

  The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out. Lord Macaulay wrote this nearly two hundred ... Read More

Oil-Yuan Futures To Start Later In The Month – Implications For Gold – Video

In this short video, Goldmoney’s Head of Research, Alasdair Macleod, shares his thoughts on the Oil-Yuan Futures and the implications for gold. How recent developments in China’s oil payments ... Read More
A picture illustration shows U.S. 100 dollar bank notes and Japanese 10,000 yen notes taken in Tokyo August 2, 2011. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao

Currency exchange value dynamics

  In a recent article I postulated that the dollar could lose all its purchasing power with a rapidity that will come as an unpleasant bombshell, even to those ... Read More

Brexit Plagues the Pound – But How Long will this Continue?

When it was announced that the UK electorate had voted to leave the EU, the pound (GBP) sunk to a 31-year low amid rising tension and huge swathes of ... Read More

Brexit – the battle for ideas

  The battle for ideas in the Brexit debate comes down to two basic economic approaches. The neo-Keynesian macroeconomists in the permanent establishment, who manage the state as economic ... Read More
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