Market Analysis


Macy’s Crushed By Amazon, Italian Banks Crushed By Euro

This is a tale of changing environments and the organisms that are, as a result, dying off. First, consider the bricks and mortar retailers. Amazon, the dominant online seller ... Read More
Cyprus flag

Exit from the MoU: What does it mean for Cyprus?

On March 31st, 2016 the Cyprus government has officially exited the MoU with Troika after a three-year period. During this time, Cyprus has received around €7.2 billion (out of ... Read More

China Stops Trying To Fool The World; World Is Sorry

Something interesting has happened. China earlier this year responded to falling stock prices by borrowing a trillion dollars and spending it on commodities, boosting the prices of iron ore, ... Read More
iran president

Lifting sanctions on Iran opens up business opportunities

Economic sanctions have cost Iran an estimated $120 billion (€105 billion) since 2012, primarily in lost oil and gas revenues. That equates to about 30 per cent of the ... Read More
EU USA trade talks

T-TIP: Salvation or trash-tip?

President Obama weighed into the Brexit debate on his recent visit to the UK, saying that if Britain left the EU, she would be at the back of the ... Read More

Central European economies not performing up to potential, IMF warns

Falling productivity, low investment, and high migration are withholding central, eastern and southern European economies from returning to their pre-crisis potential, the International Monetary Fund has warned. In its ... Read More

A Currency War Battle That Europe and Japan Can’t Afford To Lose

The dollar is tanking lately. From a high of around 100 in December, the dollar index — which measures USD against a basket of foreign currencies — is down ... Read More

Taking the petro out of the dollar

Saudi Arabia has been in the news recently for several interconnected reasons. Underlying it all is a spendthrift country that is rapidly becoming insolvent. While the House of Saud ... Read More

Cyprus gas discovery a key factor in EU energy objectives, says European Commission

The European Commission is examining the impact of possible Cypriot gas reserves in the offshore area between Cyprus and Israel, in order to diversify the energy mix used by ... Read More

Iran begins oil cooperation talks with US, Canada

Tehran has entered into talks with the US and Canada to agree on selling petrochemicals, buying new technologies in the oil industry and also to discuss investments in Iran’s ... Read More
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