Search Results for: Consumer Prices Index

European stocks steady as focus turns to ECB decision, earnings

April 14th, 2022 (0)
European stocks were little changed as investors focused on the corporate earnings season as well as the European Central Bank’s meeting for cues on the path of monetary policy. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index was up less than 0.1% ...

European stocks slipped on Thursday

June 10th, 2021 (0)
European stocks slipped on Thursday as automakers and travel stocks fell after a recent run of gains, while investors counted on the European Central Bank to maintain an accommodative policy stance at a meeting later in the day. The ...

Say’s law and the destruction of savings

April 2nd, 2021 (0)
  This article explains the fundamental mistake behind Keynes’s General Theory, the vade mecum for all macro and mathematical economists today. It is no exaggeration to say that his casual rejection of Jean-Baptiste Say’s economic theories in his off-hand ...

The ECB’s financial suttee

March 22nd, 2021 (0)
  The European Commission is failing. Its response to Brexit and the pandemic, where it is now threatening emergency powers in order to secure vaccines is a latest throw of the political dice. Even before this development markets were getting ...

Inflation watch: Beware the ides of March

March 12th, 2021 (0)
President Biden has now had his $1.9 trillion stimulus package passed into law, and it will not be the last in the current fiscal year. Covid is not over and is sure to resurge with new variants next winter. ...

The psychology of money

December 30th, 2020 (0)
  The world stands on the threshold of monetary hyperinflation with the US dollar leading the way. The final months of fiat money are coming into view. What will replace them — bitcoin or gold? This article argues that ...

Prospects for the UK and the pound

December 15th, 2020 (0)
This article assesses the likelihood of the pound following the dollar into monetary hyperinflation. Between March and September, the US Government financed twice as much of its spending by bond sales — mostly through inflationary QE — compared with ...

The global reset scam

November 20th, 2020 (0)
  This article takes a tilt at increasing speculation about statist global resets, and why plans such as those promoted by the World Economic Forum will fail. Central bank digital currencies will simply run out of time. Instead, the ...

The monetary logic for gold and silver

November 17th, 2020 (0)
  A considered reflection of current events leads to only one conclusion, and that is accelerating inflation of the dollar’s money supply is firmly on the path to destroying the dollar’s purchasing power — completely. This article looks at ...

The destruction of the euro

October 26th, 2020 (0)
  The Eurozone is bust. The deterioration of TARGET2 imbalances have been hardly noticed, but in recent months it has been alarming. Despite official denials over the years that it is a matter of concern, it is increasingly obvious ...
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