Search Results for: China Foreign Exchange Trade System

Prospects for the UK and the pound

December 15th, 2020 (0)
This article assesses the likelihood of the pound following the dollar into monetary hyperinflation. Between March and September, the US Government financed twice as much of its spending by bond sales — mostly through inflationary QE — compared with ...

The global reset scam

November 20th, 2020 (0)
  This article takes a tilt at increasing speculation about statist global resets, and why plans such as those promoted by the World Economic Forum will fail. Central bank digital currencies will simply run out of time. Instead, the ...

The monetary logic for gold and silver

November 17th, 2020 (0)
  A considered reflection of current events leads to only one conclusion, and that is accelerating inflation of the dollar’s money supply is firmly on the path to destroying the dollar’s purchasing power — completely. This article looks at ...

The emerging evidence of hyperinflation

October 15th, 2020 (0)
  Note: all references to inflation are of the quantity of money and not to the effect on prices unless otherwise indicated. In last week’s article I showed why empirical evidence of fiat money collapses are relevant to monetary ...

Lessons on inflation from the past

September 25th, 2020 (0)
  This article examines two inflationary experiences in the past in an attempt to predict the likely outcome of today’s monetary policies. The German hyperinflation of 1923 demonstrated that it took surprisingly little monetary inflation to collapse the purchasing ...

Inflation, deflation and other fallacies

September 15th, 2020 (0)
  There can be little doubt that macroeconomic policies are failing around the world. The fallacies being exposed are so entrenched that there are bound to be twists and turns yet to come. This article explains the fallacies behind ...

The pound’s future in a dollar collapse

July 28th, 2020 (0)
  In recent articles for Goldmoney I have pointed out the dollar’s vulnerability to a final collapse in its purchasing power. This article focuses on the factors that will determine the future for sterling. Sterling is exceptionally vulnerable to ...

Prices are going to rise — and fast!

July 7th, 2020 (0)
  With stockmarkets barely ruffled, few are thinking beyond the very short-term and they are mostly guessing anyway. Other than possibly the very short-term as we emerge from lockdowns, the economic situation is actually dire, and any hope of ...

The crisis goes up a gear

June 22nd, 2020 (0)
Dollar-denominated financial markets appeared to suffer a dramatic change on or about the 23 March. This article examines the possibility that it marks the beginning of the end for the Fed’s dollar. At this stage of an evolving economic ...

Geopolitics post COVID-19

May 7th, 2020 (0)
  Before the coronavirus caused governments to impose lockdowns, whole economies, markets and even currencies were already on course to be destroyed by a vicious downturn in bank lending at a time of contracting trade and record debt. The ...
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