Search Results for: Dollar

The root cause of monetary confusion

September 23rd, 2016 (0)
Arguments about sound and unsound money often degenerate into a them-and-us dispute, with the supporters of unsound money casting sound money proponents as impractical out-of-date libertarian weirdos. Supporting one side or the other as if they were opposing football ...

Lawyers must rebuild trust – Christine Lagarde

September 22nd, 2016 (0)
Lawyers have a key role to play in rebuilding public trust in institutions, the head of one of the globe’s most important bodies told thousands of lawyers gathered for the IBA’s annual conference. Christine Lagarde, managing director of the ...

Bitcoin vs Litecoin vs Dogecoin – Cryptocurrency compared

September 22nd, 2016 (1)
Cryptocurrency was made mainstream by Bitcoin a few years back and with its popularity rising, everyone seems to want a piece of the cake. The currency was launched in 2008 by Japanese pseudonymous developer Satoshi Nakamoto to encourage the growth ...

Gold prices rise after Fed holds rates but high won’t last, says CEF CEO

September 22nd, 2016 (0)
Gold prices hit their highest level in 12 days after the Federal Reserveheld interest rates, but this rally may well be the last in the short-term, one gold pro says. Warren Gilman, chairman and CEO of CEF Holdings, the told CNBC’s “Squawk ...

Asian Stocks Rally With Won, Bonds After Fed as Crude Oil Gains

September 22nd, 2016 (0)
Kiwi weakens as central bank flags more easing; won jumps Iron ore, coking coal and steel prices surge in China Asian stocks rallied With European equity index futures and bonds after central banks including the Federal Reserve indicated monetary policies ...

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand left the Official Cash Rate unchanged at 2.0 percent

September 22nd, 2016 (0)
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has issues a press release to inform that the Bank decided to left the Official Cash Rate unchanged at 2.0 percent. Global growth is below trend despite being supported by unprecedented levels of ...

Japan Stocks Surge as BOJ Stimulus Tweaks Weaken Yen; Oil Jumps

September 21st, 2016 (0)
Dollar gains versus most peers ahead of Fed policy decision European, U.S. equity index futures advance; nickel falls Japanese stocks rallied, leading gains in Asia, as tweaks to the Bank of Japan’s monetary policy weakened the yen and lifted ...

CFTC charges company and individual for Illegal Off-Exchange Precious Metals Transactions

September 21st, 2016 (0)
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) filed a civil injunctive enforcement action in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida against Florida-based Defendants KB Concepts Group, LLC d/b/a Apex Asset Advisors, LLC (Apex) and Kelvin Burgos, Apex’s president, ...

Fun with Fake Statistics: The 5% “Increase” in Median Household Income Is Pure Illusion

September 20th, 2016 (0)
The truth is the rich are getting richer and everyone else is losing ground as inflation chews through stagnant incomes. Supporters of the status quo nearly wet their pants with joy when the Census Bureau reported that real (adjusted ...

The Bank For International Settlements Warns That A Major Debt Meltdown In China Is Imminent

September 20th, 2016 (0)
The pinnacle of the global financial system is warning that conditions are right for a “full-blown banking crisis” in China. Since the last financial crisis, there has been a credit boom in China that is really unprecedented in world ...
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