Search Results for: Greek debt

European debt sales top €100 billion for the first time since 2008

February 18th, 2016 (0)
Sales of loan portfolios by deleveraging banks in Europe reached a record €104 billion last year, with the UK accounting for more than one-third of the total, according to new research from KPMG. Britain accounted for 37 percent of ...

US Presses Europe to Take Steps to Reduce Greece’s Debt: Investors need confidence

November 5th, 2015 (0)
Investors need confidence Greece’s debt is sustainable Servicing obligations are only part of the equation, U.S. says The U.S. is pressing euro-area countries to agree to an overhaul of Greece’s debt to give private-sector investors confidence that the nation’s ...

Greek Banks Said to Face Recapitalization at Top of Range

September 24th, 2015 (0)
Auditors tell lenders they need to be more conservative Latest bailout package allocates 25 billion euros for banks   Greek banks are being told by auditors some of their assets are overvalued, meaning they may have to raise close ...

Volkswagen bigger risk for Germany than Greek crisis

September 24th, 2015 (0)
Volkswagen could pose bigger threat to German economy than Greek crisis The Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) emissions scandal has rocked Germany‘s business and political establishment and analysts warn the crisis at the car maker could develop into the biggest threat to ...

Bad loans haunt Greek banks seeking new start

September 8th, 2015 (0)
Turned down for a 10,000 euro ($11,100) loan, George Sarris is one of hundreds of thousands of small business owners shunned by Greek banks. Pointing to the parliament building overlooking his small cafe in Athens’ Syntagma Square, the 35-year-old ...

Greece debt crisis: Interim PM Thanou is first woman leader

August 28th, 2015 (0)
Greece‘s top Supreme Court judge, Vassiliki Thanou, has been appointed caretaker prime minister ahead of early elections next month. President Prokopis Pavlopoulos named Ms Thanou after efforts to form a coalition failed. Last week, Alexis Tsipras resigned as prime ...

Greek Prime Minister resigns: Greece under Tsipras

August 21st, 2015 (0)
Alexis Tsipras, Greece’s prime minister, resigned on Thursday August 20th and called a snap election, to be overseen by an interim administration. The decision follows a split within his left-wing Syriza party over a new bail-out deal with Greece’s ...

Greek lawmakers back 3rd bailout after all-night debate

August 14th, 2015 (0)
Greek lawmakers approved their country’s draft third bailout in a parliamentary vote Friday that relied on opposition party support and saw the government coalition suffer significant dissent. The vote came after a marathon all-night session marked by procedural delays ...

Greece debt crisis: Tension rises ahead of vote on third bailout

August 13th, 2015 (0)
Faced with opposition to a new Greek bailout at home and abroad, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Wednesday expressed confidence that the deal would gain approval in what promises to be a tough vote in Greece’s Parliament in ...

Greece: Greek bank stocks soar – Greece makes loan interest payment to IMF

August 7th, 2015 (0)
What you should know for Greece today: Bank stocks led a much-needed Greek bourse rebound on Thursday, making up some of the ground lost in the first three sessions since the market reopened. However, traders viewed the recovery more ...
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