Search Results for: financial crisis

The destruction of the euro

October 26th, 2020 (0)
  The Eurozone is bust. The deterioration of TARGET2 imbalances have been hardly noticed, but in recent months it has been alarming. Despite official denials over the years that it is a matter of concern, it is increasingly obvious ...

The emerging evidence of hyperinflation

October 15th, 2020 (0)
  Note: all references to inflation are of the quantity of money and not to the effect on prices unless otherwise indicated. In last week’s article I showed why empirical evidence of fiat money collapses are relevant to monetary ...

Lessons on inflation from the past

September 25th, 2020 (0)
  This article examines two inflationary experiences in the past in an attempt to predict the likely outcome of today’s monetary policies. The German hyperinflation of 1923 demonstrated that it took surprisingly little monetary inflation to collapse the purchasing ...

China is killing the dollar

September 23rd, 2020 (0)
  In the wake of the Fed’s promise of 23 March to print money without limit in order to rescue the covid-stricken US economy, China changed its policy of importing industrial materials to a more aggressive stance. In examining ...

Inflation, deflation and other fallacies

September 15th, 2020 (0)
  There can be little doubt that macroeconomic policies are failing around the world. The fallacies being exposed are so entrenched that there are bound to be twists and turns yet to come. This article explains the fallacies behind ...

Here we go again

September 7th, 2020 (0)
For the past few years, the US financial system and the Fed have been playing a game of chicken in which the Fed tries to tighten (or at least stop easing) and the stock market behaves like an addict ...

A critique of modern socialism

September 2nd, 2020 (0)
  Socialism has moved on from the Marxist version of the state owning the means of production to one whereby production remains in the hands of individuals but are heavily regulated — echoing Mussolini’s fascist-socialist model. But after nearly ...

Venezuela’s Bitcoin use soars amid hyperinflation: 3rd on Global Crypto Adoption Index

September 1st, 2020 (0)
Venezuelans have become increasingly interested in cryptocurrency as their country faces dire economic crisis and hyperinflation, a new study by blockchain data analytics firm Chainalysis shows. The firm’s Global Crypto Adoption Index ranks Venezuela third as “The country has ...

Doubling down on failed policies with central bank digital currencies

August 27th, 2020 (0)
Many central banks are researching retail digital currencies, which if implemented, would allow them to issue a new currency directly to the public, managed on a centralised ledger bypassing commercial banks. While there is an element of feeling the ...

Jay Taylor: “Stick With Your Gold As Long As You Are Able”

August 17th, 2020 (0)
From this week’s edition of J Taylor’s Gold, Energy & Tech Stocks newsletter: Gold’s slight correction of 3.99% this week doesn’t say much. But the $170/oz. decline in about 24 hours certainly did get my attention. And I have ...
Broker Cyprus TopFX