Search Results for: virtual economy

Ways to Boost Competitiveness in Europe: Engino Case

October 23rd, 2015 (0)
There has been evidence in the last four years suggesting that many U.S. companies are bringing manufacturing back to the U.S. This growing trend is expected to boost the competitiveness of the U.S. economy and help it grow out ...

The Eurozone Crisis: Crystalizing the Narrative

October 13th, 2015 (0)
The economy of the eurozone makes the US economy look like a picture of robust health by comparison. Richard Baldwin and Francesco Giavazzi have edited The Eurozone CrisisA Consensus View of the Causesand a Few Possible Solutions, a book ...

NIRP, its likelihood and effect on commodities

October 5th, 2015 (0)
In last week’s article I pointed out that negative interest rates should lead to a general shift in consumer preferences from money towards essential goods. Central bankers may wish for this outcome on a controlled basis to allow them ...

The Next Financial Crisis Won’t be Like the Last One

September 16th, 2015 (0)
It seems increasingly likely the next Global Financial Meltdown will arise in the FX/currency markets. Central banks are like generals: they tend to fight the last war. The Great Financial meltdown of 2008 was centered in too big to fail, too ...

This Is Actually Going To Happen Next Year

September 14th, 2015 (0)
The intellectual groundwork is being laid for the next stage of the Money Bubble, and it’s going to be epic. Here are excerpts from two articles that appeared over the weekend (and which should be read in their entirety). ...

What Is The Difference Between Bitcoin, FOREX & Gold? ‘A Tripod Theory’

September 10th, 2015 (0)
As Bitcoin and it’s counterparties known as “altcoins” enter the mainstream many investors are seeking information on the mechanics of trading these revolutionary peer-to-peer niche oriented decentralized global cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin, forex and gold have many similar yet distinct differences that make each a unique and viableinvestment vehicle. Bitcoin is a ...

U.S. banks moved billions in trades beyond CFTC’s reach

August 24th, 2015 (0)
This spring, traders and analysts working deep in the global swaps markets began picking up peculiar readings: Hundreds of billions of dollars of trades by U.S. banks had seemingly vanished. “We saw strange things in the data,” said Chris ...

China: Major Devaluation Coming

July 28th, 2015 (0)
The whole “market economy” thing is turning out to be a little trickier than China’s dictators expected. To set up the story: After the 2008 crash the country borrowed about $15 trillion (an amount that dwarfs the US Fed’s ...

Commodities Collapsed Just Before The Last Stock Market Crash – So Guess What Is Happening Right Now?

July 23rd, 2015 (0)
If we were going to see a stock market crash in the United States in the fall of 2015 (to use a hypothetical example), we would expect to see commodity prices begin to crash a few months ahead of ...

Greece Votes NO – Let The Chaos Begin…

July 6th, 2015 (0)
The result of the referendum in Greece is a great victory for freedom, but it is also threatens to unleash unprecedented economic chaos all across Europe.  With almost all of the votes counted, it is being reported that approximately ...
Broker Cyprus TopFX