Search Results for: virtual economy

Signs Of A 2020 Top: “Buyers Return to Riskiest Junk Bonds”

December 30th, 2019 (0)
If you’re managing money and need positive results in the year ahead, you’re in a tough spot. Stocks are at levels that in the past have preceded cycle-ending crashes while high-grade bonds yield virtually nothing but could easily produce ...

150 years of bank credit expansion is near its end

November 22nd, 2019 (0)
  The legal formalisation of the creation of bank credit commenced with England’s 1844 Bank Charter Act. It has led to a regular cycle of expansion and collapse of outstanding bank credit. Erroneously attributed to business, the origin of ...

Measuring Recession

September 20th, 2019 (0)
  Using nominal GDP, or GDP deflated by the CPI, as the principal guide to the state of the economy is a common mistake which will eventually prove very costly. Having convinced themselves that GDP measures economic progress, government ...

Our costly dalliance with Lord Keynes

August 28th, 2019 (0)
  In “The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money”, Keynes virtually created macroeconomics. But Keynes was a mathematician, not an economist, and did not fully understand free markets, so he was hardly qualified to emerge as the most ...

Casting off the EU millstone

August 7th, 2019 (0)
  In this article, we look at the implications of the new Johnson government: its strategy, the likely outcome of EU negotiations, and the golden opportunities to reform trade, tax and monetary policies to secure a better future based ...

Bitcoin vs Libra

July 22nd, 2019 (0)
Bitcoin vs Libra: Here are the key differences between the two cryptocurrencies Libra and bitcoin are different in a lot of ways, from the technology behind them to the way they’re used. CNBC runs through the key differences between ...

Cyber wars and all that

May 3rd, 2019 (0)
  Behind the Huawei story, we must not forget there is a wider financial war being waged by America against China and Russia. Stories about China’s banks being short of dollars are incorrect: the shortage is of inward capital ...

The US Government Debt Crisis

May 2nd, 2019 (0)
  This article explains why the US Government is ensnared in a debt trap from which there is no escape. Its finances are spiralling out of control. In the context of a rapidly slowing global economy, the budget deficit ...

Trade wars – a catalyst for economic crisis

February 1st, 2019 (0)
In my last article I used a proven accounting identity to show that the end result of President Trump’s trade tariffs would be to increase the trade deficit, assuming there is no change in the savings rate. The savings ...

Nasdaq CEO believes cryptocurrencies will have a role in the future

January 24th, 2019 (0)
Adena Friedman, President and CEO of Nasdaq on January 20 made a publication titled “New chapters in innovation and disruption will be written in 2019”. The CEO’s opinion based on the details of the document is that cryptocurrencies will ...
Broker Cyprus TopFX