
Tsipras-Putin meeting

€2bn Russia-Greece gas deal: The EU should applauding us, Putin says

A deal to jointly build an extension of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline across Greece will help Athens to settle its multibillion euro debt to international creditors, President Vladimir ... Read More

Decisions taken by the Governing Council of the ECB (in addition to decisions setting interest rates)

Market operations Substitute purchases by Eesti Pank On 2 June 2015 the Governing Council decided that, owing to the lack of government and agency bonds needed to accommodate the ... Read More

Greece debt crisis: EU leaders gather for critical summit

Greece faces a critical 24 hours as European leaders gather for an emergency summit in Brussels that could break the deadlock around the country’s debt crisis. On Sunday, Greek ... Read More

The Greek Government Debt

Europe and the rest of the world are watching nervously these days as the Greek drama (tragedy) is entering its last phase. There has to be some type of ... Read More

Greece crisis: Emergency summit called for Monday

An emergency summit of leaders from eurozone nations will be held on Monday, after the latest attempt to resolve the Greek debt crisis failed. A meeting of finance ministers ... Read More

The Next Great European Financial Crisis Has Begun

The Greek financial system is in the process of totally imploding, and the rest of Europe will soon follow.  Neither the Greeks nor the Germans are willing to give ... Read More

What Happens If Greece Defaults On IMF, ECB And Leaves The Eurozone?

Time is running out–yet again–for Greece. The most heavily indebted country in the Eurozone is headed for a showdown with its creditors that may result in a default on ... Read More

No breakthrough expected at Eurogroup despite Faymann visit, Juncker call

Expectations are low for significant progress in Greece’s talks with its lenders at Thursday’s meeting of finance ministers in Luxembourg, despite a brief phone call between European Commission President ... Read More

What is the cost if Greece exit Eurozone?

Grexit to Cost the World One Trillion Euros in Losses Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has estimated that Grexit would cause the international economy a trillion euros in losses, ... Read More

Greece crisis: PM Tsipras tells creditors to ‘get real’

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has said his government will wait patiently for international creditors to become “realistic”, after talks on a debt deal in Brussels failed. Mr Tsipras ... Read More
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