

Greece’s €459m debt payment to IMF due on Thursday

Eurozone country is close to running out of cash and the ECB, the EU and the IMF have frozen further aid until they reach an agreement with its left-wing ... Read More

Greece: Plans for cooperation with China

Greece proposed a three-year cooperation plan to Beijing involving ports, ship building and repair, credit, supply chain and culture during Greek Deputy Prime Minister Yiannis Dragasakis’s recent visit to ... Read More
Varoufakis on eurogroup february-2015

Greek finance minister wants initial deal with lenders at April 24 Eurogroup meeting – paper

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis wants the negotiations with the country’s official lenders to reach a preliminary deal at an April 24 meeting of eurozone finance ministers, he told Greek daily ... Read More

Cyprus lifts all capital controls as banks recover

Cyprus is lifting the last remaining capital controls it imposed on its banking system during the financial crisis of 2013. Cyprus was the only crisis-hit eurozone country to restrict ... Read More

Greece’s Prime Minister Tsipras Heads to Moscow as Bailout Talks Drag On

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will be walking a fine line in Moscow this week, aiming to demonstrate an independent streak to voters at home without irritating the European ... Read More

IMF Managing Director Lagarde’s statement on Greece – FM Yianis Varoufakis (Video)

Ms. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), met today with Mr. Yanis Varoufakis, Minister of Finance for Greece, for an informal discussion on the Greek ... Read More

EU lawyers: EU cannot maintain protection against Chinese imports

EU lawyers say EU cannot ignore rules on China‘s new WTO status EU yet to decide, could favour China to win favour with Beijing European fears of being forced to lower tariff ... Read More
greece - parthenon

Greek goverment not so convinced by its own measures

Fresh confusion reigned on Thursday as a result of the government’s target for the primary budget surplus and new measures for 2015, as proposed to Wednesday’s Euro Working Group ... Read More

ECB says QE programme already boosting recovery

The European Central Bank said Thursday it is increasingly confident that its controversial bond purchase programme is helping boost the eurozone’s economic recovery, even as a top official expressed ... Read More

Greece tells creditors it will run out of cash on April 9

Greece has told its creditors it will run out of money on April 9, making an appeal for more loans before reforms on which new disbursements hinge are agreed and ... Read More
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