
These Eight EU Countries Are in the Budget Danger Zone

When it comes to fiscal discipline in the European Union, three is the magic number. That’s a deficit limit of 3 percent of GDP, and five EU states will make ... Read More

Legal profession poll: 75% want United Kingdom to stay in EU

Survey of 1,000 lawyers and law students shows massive opposition to Brexit The overwhelming majority of the legal profession wants to remain within the EU — but there is ... Read More

PricewaterhouseCoopers accused of conflict of interest in development role

Diane Abbott is furious that PwC is working on a DfID scheme called the Investment Facility for Utilising UK Specialist Expertise Big Four accountant PricewaterhouseCoopers has been accused of “a ... Read More
Bank of England

Bank of England maintains Bank Rate at 0.5% and the size of the Asset Purchase Programme at £375 billion

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) sets monetary policy to meet the 2% inflation target and in a way that helps to sustain growth and employment.  At ... Read More

Sugar tax surprise in Budget – but growth forecasts cut

George Osborne has unveiled a tax on sugary drinks in a wide ranging Budget dominated by gloomier growth forecasts. The chancellor blamed the slowdown on a “dangerous cocktail” of ... Read More
Royal bank of Scodland

RBS to cut almost 450 investment banking jobs in UK

Bank announces layoffs, adding that two-thirds of lost roles will move offshore to its operation in India Royal Bank of Scotland is cutting 448 investment banking jobs in the UK, ... Read More

FCA contacting 16,000 customers of debt management firm, PDHL

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is currently assessing applications for authorisation from all debt management firms with interim permission. Firms that were previously regulated by the Office of Fair ... Read More

New accountability regime for banks and insurers comes into force

The Senior Managers Regime for the banking sector and the Senior Insurance Managers Regime both come into force today. The new regimes will hold individuals working at all levels ... Read More

EU Auditors Call For Renewed Efforts On VAT Fraud

The current European Union system for fighting cross-border value-added tax fraud is not effective enough, according to a new report by the European Court of Auditors. The auditors said ... Read More

Brexit: Latest poll gives ‘Remain’ campaign slight lead

In the latest blow, Lord Howard said the PM’s renegotiation of the UK’s membership had “met with failure” and urged voters to back withdrawal. “There is only one thing ... Read More
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